We, as humans, have become so intent on cleaning our homes, vehicles, and bodies with such intensity, and such a desire to wipe out every little germ, bacteria, spot and stain, that we’ve overcompensated and created one of the most toxic environments for ourselves to live in.
flickr credit: ncmaids
It has become well known, as of late, that many household cleaning products are loaded with chemicals and toxins that can cause us significant injury and long-lasting damage to our health. The result of this constant, overuse of these commercial, chemical-based products is an extremely high cost to our personal health, and the concurrent damage to our environment not only by the manufacture of the products but by their disposal – which is often inappropriately dealt with.
Another concern is the high statistics that the US National Center for Health Statistics report: 1 out of 3 people in the United States suffer from allergies, asthma, chronic sinus infections, and bronchitis or pneumonia resultant from environmental toxins. One of the biggest and best ways to help in the treatment of such conditions is to reduce or remove the use of chemical-based products and other synthetics in your environment.
Cleaning your home does not need to be yet another burden on your family. Whether you clean your house yourself or employ a house cleaning service here in Boston to assist you, there are many green cleaning alternatives that can be used to help create a far more inviting and safe environment for you.
flickr credit: mogret
We can talk all day about using non-toxic products and being more environmentally conscious in our choices, but would be remiss to not offer some information on the products that you can use today in your house cleaning efforts. Here is a partial list of non-toxic, effective cleaners for your home.
- White vinegar – excellent to use to cut grease, remove mold and mildew, deodorizes, and cleans windows (try 50 percent water and 50 percent white vinegar, put in a spray bottle, spray your windows and wipe clean with old newspapers. You will be surprised at the sparkle and shine your windows will sport after cleaning with vinegar).
- Lemon – use either fresh lemon (yes, squeeze the lemons) or prepared lemon oil and use as a disinfectant. This natural food acid is very effective in cleaning up bacteria that is common in your kitchen and bathrooms.
- Baking soda – an every day product that sits quietly on most everyone’s kitchen cabinets, but isn’t doing a whole lot of work. To clean your oven (and not have to put up with those nasty fumes and toxic stench), mix a paste of water and baking soda, sponge or rub on the over floor, the walls of the over, and the racks. Allow to sit overnight and then scrub everything down in the morning. Another amazing result — and no fumes.
flickr credit: ikkoskinen
Using natural products to clean your house (in between cleaning service visits) will not only keep your body, your family, your home, and the environment safer — but, you’ll find a significant savings in your pocket as well.