We are now, officially, part of the sandwich generation. That means that we are caring for our own children – and our elderly parents. It’s a difficult and busy lifestyle that we maintain. Where did our plans for rest and relaxation go? What happened to our weekend plans?
flickr credit: mikebabz
This is a very self-less act that we offer when we care for our parents or for an elderly neighbor. We have taken on an additional “To Do” list and this includes keeping two homes clean and bright. Not only do you keep your own house clean, somehow; but, the elderly person in your life also needs his and/or her home cleaned. There are many house cleaning and other chores that our elderly family members can no longer do for themselves.
flickr credit: Tobyotter
It seems that, for a while, you can manage the back and forth traveling, the errands, the extra grocery shopping, and cleaning two homes — for a time, anyway. Then, eventually, you start to run out of steam.
flickr credit: exalthim
You may have thought a great idea would be to hire a house cleaning service in Boston to clean your home. But, have you thought about hiring a house cleaning service to go and clean your elderly parent’s home or apartment? You can hire a service to come in weekly or less frequently, depending on the needs of your parent. A small apartment with limited traffic throughout may need only a monthly cleaning.
Many elderly folks are very upset about not being able to clean their homes themselves. This was a chore that was always a part of their lives, and now ends up being one more thing that they are unable to do. They have also lived in a time when having a maid service was reserved only for the well-to-do neighbors, and not for the every day folk. You may find that they would be pleased and proud to have someone come in and clean their home for them.
If you are an adult child caring for an elderly parent, consider treating yourself to a clean house and have the service head over and clean your parent’s home, as well. Every little bit that you can do to lighten your load will allow you more quality time with your family members. That quality time is the most important thing you can do or give to your parents.
Another option is to give the gift of maid service through the use of a gift certificate. Holidays, birthdays, or just as a surprise are great times to present your special, elderly person with a gift certificate to a local house cleaning service such as The Maids Boston. They will remember your thoughtfulness long after the service has been performed, and you will find yourself with a special gift of a little more quality time with your loved one.