Hiring a house cleaning service in Boston for your elderly parents may just be a better way to save your time, and give you more quality hours to spend with them. Our parents are getting on in their years now. They’ve worked their entire lives and find themselves in retirement or perhaps in the later years of their lives.
flickr credit: leehaywood
We, their children, are still working at our careers, raising our families, and have a myriad of activities and commitments marked in pen on our calendars. When it comes to helping elderly parents keep their house clean, there are only a few options.
Most of us will try to care for our parents, raise our families, work our jobs, and still have time left over to do things we want and need to do. Are you one of us? Are you running your parent or parents to doctors’ appointments, grocery shopping, hairdressers, dentists, or to visit with their friends or families in other towns? Are you helping with meal preparation, laundry, or general house cleaning?
Housekeeping in Boston
A lot of us are trying to do all those things, plus care for our own homes and families. It’s a pretty steep hill we’re climbing and there are options. If you’re helping elderly parents keep their house clean, then you are probably doing the weekly house cleaning chores such as vacuuming, washing the floors, cleaning countertops, cleaning the stove, the bathroom, the windows.
The to do list is endless. And even though they may have a smaller home or apartment now, it still takes a good chunk of your time. That’s time that you would much rather be spending with your parents as quality time.
flickr credit: oakleyoriginals
First to consider is that we want to do this for our parents. They’ve spent their lives raising us, caring for us, helping us. And with that, we feel responsible for caring for them in return when they need it.
It’s important to remember, though, that our parents really want our undivided attention and conversation when we come to visit. They really do not want us to be puttering about cleaning the house while they sit back and look on, feeling helpless that they are unable to do these things themselves.
Maids in Boston
Besides doing all this house cleaning yourself, the most helpful idea that’s been a great timesaver and is well worth every penny, is to hire a maid service or house cleaning service in the Boston area to attend to your parent’s housekeeping needs.
You will find that the cost of hiring maids in Boston to start helping elderly parents keep their house clean will be much less expensive than you might have imagined. The staff of a cleaning service is well trained in how to clean a house or apartment as efficiently as possible, and are very proud of the work that they do. You can arrange for the maid service to clean your parents’ home weekly, bi-weekly, or whatever schedule suits you.
Boston Cleaners
Having this house cleaning chores under control and in someone else’s hands will give you that much more time to be with your parents and enjoy your time with them, instead of worrying about all the chores you need to get done.